Attending members
The minutes from the Jan. 18 meeting will be copied to the main github site as soon as permissions are sorted out.
wrt agenda item 2: The steps for finalizing ALTO version 4.0 are mostly complete. The Board would normally review and sign-off on the final version but this is probably not necessary.
wrt agenda item 3: The survey results for the next face-to-face meeting indicate DAS has a slight lead over the other options. The best meeting time during DAS is probably the first day of the conference (Tuesday, April 24) which is the workshop day. Art will contact the organizers to arrange for a meeting room.
wrt agenda item 5: The issue has been updated to reflect a typographic interpretation of baseline. The documentation element will be expanded to include the coordinate specification (from top-left of image).
wrt agenda item 6: Some discussion on the IIIF proposal to support OCR correction. Jo described a workflow that for OCR correction that uses an ALTO file with extensions, he will provide a sample that includes the customizations to support this function. Also some discussion on font identification.
The next meeting will be at the DAS Conference on April 24.