- Find and tell a non-offensive, maybe self-deprecating joke before the meeting begins and/or after it ends. [All]
- Update on support for ruby characters. See issue 51. [Art/Frederick]
- GitHub Reorganization and Housekeeping. [Clemens & Others]
- Status/migration of wiki – see https://altoxml.github.io/
- Process for schema changes
- Planning for F2F meeting (Oct. 14, DLF Forum in Las Vegas - see details below). [All]
- Champions for orphaned/unassigned open schema issues. [Art]
- Identification of running title - Issue #50
- Non Linear Hyphens - Issue #41
- Draft a change proposal for “normalized” coordinates - Issue #38
- OCR correction attributes: CS, ILLS, DBTS - Issue #21
- Reading Order (IMPACT) - Issue #18
- textBlock “writing-mode” proposal - Issue #12
- Results of vote for two new Board Members/expansion of Board. [All]
Additional Details for F2F Meeting:
M Resort Map - Conference Level - (PDF)
There is a the “group desk” is just to the left of Molise and Messina breakout rooms, and the boardroom is just a little farther to the lower-right in the map.