Draft agenda for November 6, 2015 ALTO board face-to-face meeting at iPRES 2015, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC USA. If you have changes or additions, please email them to everyone as soon as possible.

  1. Review action items [Frederick leads discussion]
  2. Review and adopt board membership terms, membership criteria, decision making and voting procedures, and recruiting new members (issue 17 and issue 20). [Jukka and Frederick lead discussion]
  3. Discuss and vote recently nominated on board members [Frederick leads discussion]
  4. Discuss reading order and text block writing mode change requests issues 12) and 18). [??? leads discussion.]
  5. Discuss OCR correction attributes change request issue 21). [Jean Pilippe leads discussion.]
  6. Discuss fragment identifier API for ALTO (issue 33). [Jean Philippe leads discussion.]
  7. Other business to be added ...

View all open action items here.