Draft agenda for December 11, 2014 ALTO board teleconference. If you have changes or additions, please email them to everyone as soon as possible.

  1. Review action items [Frederick leads discussion]
  2. Review comments and feedback from release of ALTO schema v3.0 (if any). [Everyone]
  3. Report on September 10 ALTO editorial board face-to-face meeting in London: Agenda and summary of items discussed. [Markus leads discussion]
  4. Discussion of proposed acceptance of Glyphs change request (issue 26). (See item 10 in minutes from London face-to-face meeting) [Joachim leads discussion.]
  5. Discussion of proposed acceptance of Shape change request (issue 22). (See item 10 in minutes from London face-to-face meeting) [Evelien leads discussion.]
  6. Discussion about 3 'submitted' change requests: Should these requests advance to 'discussion'? See issue 18, 21, and 12. [Frederick leads discussion.]
  7. Review organization and use of Github. See items 1 to 9 in minutes from London face-to-face meeting). [Frederick leads discussion]
  8. If time permits, a brief report on effort to recruit new board members. Question for Siang Hock: Can you represent Asian languages (instead of recruiting a new board member for this)? [Frederick leads discussion]
  9. Reminder to send URLs to digital collections which use ALTO XML to Nate so that he can update the use case examples at ALTO Implementers [Frederick harangues everyone]

Action items