Draft agenda for September 25, 2014 ALTO board teleconference. If you have changes or additions, please email them to everyone as soon as possible.
- Review action items [Frederick leads discussion]
- Discuss release of ALTO schema v3.0. Review comments received about schema v3.0 (if any) including the recent question from Lars Svensson (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek). [Everyone]
- Report on September 10 ALTO editorial board face-to-face meeting in London: Agenda and summary of items discussed.
[Markus leads discussion]
- Review Github directory structure: Create a repository for general questions (such as the one from Lars Svensson) about ALTO? [Frederick leads discussion]
- Review migration from PBWorks to Github. It appears that all issues have been transferred to Gibhub. Discussion? [Frederick leads discussion]
- Brief report on effort to recruit new board members. Question for Siang Hock: Can you represent Asian languages (instead of recruiting a new board member for this)? [Frederick leads discussion]
- Reminder to send URLs to digital collections which use ALTO XML to Nate so that he can update the use case examples at ALTO Implementers [Frederick harangues everyone]
Action items
- [Action 2014-07-03]
Frederick will contact UT Austin about broken link on Library of Congress's ALTO implementer's webpage.
- [Action 2014-07-03]
Jean Philippe and Jukka will create draft schema version 2.2 and create a README for it. They will send the README to the ALTO for comment.
- [Action 2014-07-03]
Nate will make the corresponding updates to the Library of Congress ALTO webpages on July 8.
- [Action 2014-07-03]
Frederick will announce the draft schema release on the ALTO listserv and distribute the README.
- [Action 2014-07-03]
Brian and Evelien will send hi-res logos for CDNC and KB respectively to Jean Philippe. Jukka will send a hi-res logo for Finland.
- [Action 2014-04-24]
Jean Philippe will create a branch of the v2.1 ALTO schema on Github. The branch will be used to implement the needed named types for ALTO dialects in schema v2.2.
- [Action 2014-04-24]
Jean Philippe will draft a design for the ALTO poster at WLIC 2014.
- [Action 2014-04-24] Jukka will create a short document showing how to migrate open change proposals from PBWorks to Github.
- [Action 2014-02-20]
Everyone will copy the open proposal that they champion from PBworks to Github. The open proposals will become "issues" in Github.
- [Action 2013-12-12] Brian will create text for an ALTO tools and software webpage.
- [Action 2013-11-03] Frederick will recruit a board member from an OCR software development team, perhaps Tesseract.
- [Action 2013-11-03] Frederick will recruit a board member from an Asian language country.
- [Action 2013-09-19] Everyone to send ALTO use cases to Nate. Nate will add new use cases to the ALTO implementers webpage.
- [Action 2013-04-11] Frederick will draft a change proposal for "normalized" coordinates.