Draft agenda for June 5, 2014 ALTO board teleconference. If you have changes or additions, please email them to everyone as soon as possible.

  1. Review action items [Frederick leads discussion]
  2. Review comments -- especially the comment about incompatibility between v2.0 and v2.1 schemas -- received about draft schema version 2.1. [Everyone]
  3. Discuss release of ALTO schema v2.2 with named types to accommodate ALTO dialects (discussed during last teleconference). [Everyone]
  4. Review ALTO poster for IFLA WLIC Aug 18-19 in Lyon France. [Jean Philippe and Frederick lead discussion]
  5. ALTO editorial board face-to-face meeting: Where will it be? Most likely at WLIC 2014 (http://conference.ifla.org/ifla80) in Lyon (Aug 16-22). Less likely at the JCDL/TPDL Joint Conference (http://www.dl2014.org/) in London (Sep 8-12)? least likely at the DLF Forum (http://www.diglib.org/forums/2014forum/) in Atlanta, Georgia (Oct 27-29)? [Frederick leads discussion]
  6. Review migration from PBWorks to Github (see Action 2014-02-20 below). Jukka may demonstrate how to migrate open proposals from PBWorks to Github. [Frederick harangues everyone. Jukka demonstrates migration.]
  7. Overview of ResCarta toolkit (http://www.rescarta.org/). [Brian leads discussion.]
  8. Discuss creation of an ALTO Github website. See http://altoxml.github.io. [Frederick leads discussion]
  9. Reminder to send URLs to digital collections which use ALTO XML to Nate so that he can update the ALTO use case examples at http://www.loc.gov/standards/alto/community/implementers.php [Frederick harangues everyone]

Action items